Standard Bores Available

Pilot bored pulleys can be supplied as is or with finished bores with or without keyways as required. Finish bored pulleys are fitted with set screws.


Millimetres   Inches
Bore Keyway Bore Keyway
10 3 0.375 0.125
11 4 0.5 0.125
12 4 0.625 0.1875
14 5 0.75 0.1875
15 5 0.875 0.250
16 5 1.0 0.250
17 5 1.25 0.3125
18 6 1.375 0.375
19 6 1.50 0.375
20 6
22 6
24 8
25 8
28 8
30 8
38 10